Monday, 23 May 2016

The horrbile anveter

Mischa and Olivia were best friends. They had lots of amazing trips together. They lived inside the Alleyway of Doom, next to the evil forest of doom. 

As Mischa and Olivia were walking down the cobbled street to get to the evil Forest of Doom, they saw a king-fisher the king-fisher had beautiful wings it was like they were in heaven They were lucky because it led them right to the evil forest of doom. Crush as they walked on the leafy ground Suddenly they heard a big big Bang Olivia ran towards the path NO! WAIT screamed Mischa looked for Olivlia was no were to be found Mischa was scared but then suddnely Mischa heard a call off shout  it was a olivila saying that there was a Bee that had a werid Buzz okay said Mischa now lets go okay replied Olivia but until then they tryed to look for the path Olivia relieds that they were LOST!!!!!! Mischa and Olivia felt with scarceness Um said Olivia are lost talk I thick Mischa said Olivia got scared this is all you fault shouted Olivia No said Mischa if you didn't want to go and see the weird buzz. They fighted  and fighted until the moon grew dark lets put the tent up Mischa said madlee Yes we schould wait were is the tent oh for goodness sake do not tell me you lost the tent shouted Mischa oh do shh replied Olivia oh well guess we will have to sleep on the ground with bug and slugs said Mischa
 2 hours later Mischa Olivia we are you shouted Mischas mum Mischa and Olivia suddley woke up Mum lisa shouted Miscs

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